1. Name
- The name of the group shall be 'Friends of the Nickey Line'.
2. Aims
- To conserve and enhance the Nickey Line for the benefit of the local communities and wildlife
- To encourage and maintain community interest in the Nickey Line
- To advise, assist and work with any person or body which shares a common interest in the Nickey Line.
3. Membership
- Membership shall be open to any person over the age of 18 who shares the aims of the group and lives in a household that has paid the registration fee and any agreed annual membership fees.
4. Equal Opportunities
- The activities of the group shall be conducted in such a manner that no person shall be discriminated against on grounds of age, gender, sexual orientation, disability, race, nor political or religious affiliation. Age and Disability limitations may however be set on activities such as work parties where safety and competence are required.
5. Management
- The activities of the group shall be administered by a Management Committee comprising not less than 3 and not more than 12 members elected at an Annual General Meeting (AGM) or Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM).
- Any person wishing to stand for election to the Management Committee must be a registered 'Friend'.
- The Officers of the Committee shall be the Chairperson, Treasurer and Secretary.
- One third of the Management Committee (rounded down to the nearest number divisible by 3) shall retire at each AGM - but may offer themselves for re-election.
- The Committee shall meet at agreed intervals - physically or online - and not less than 3 times a year.
- A minimum of 3 commitee members including at least one Officer shall be present for a Management Committee meeting to be quorate.
- The Committee may co-opt up to 3 persons to serve on the Committee. Co-opted committee members will be able to vote but must stand for election at the next AGM.
- Voting at Committee meetings shall be by show of hands. If a vote is tied, the Chairperson shall have a second (casting) vote.
6. Accounts
- Any funds held by the group shall be in the name of 'Friends of the Nickey Line' and accounted for by the elected Treasurer.
- Annual accounts shall be drawn up to 31st March
- Accounts shall be submitted to independent inspection annually - and approved at the AGM. If for any reason they cannot be submitted on a timely basis in any given year, they should be submitted as soon as possible afterwards.
- Should the group cease to function, any funds held shall be transferred by the Management Committee at that time to an appropriate registered charity or formally constituted group that publishes annual accounts and works for the benefit of our local community.
7. Annual General Meeting (AGM)
- The Annual General Meeting shall be held physically or online within 3 months of the financial year end of 31st March.
- The current Chairperson of the Management Committee shall act as Chairperson for the AGM unless, by agreement, another person is invited to take the chair.
- Attendance at the AGM shall be open to all - but voting rights shall be restricted to registered 'Friends of the Nickey Line'.
- Voting at the AGM shall be by show of hands and simple majority. Should a vote be tied, the Chairperson shall have a second (casting) vote.
- A minimum of 14 days notice of an AGM shall be given - and the meeting shall be advertised to the local communities.
8. Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM)
- An Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) - which may be held physically or online - may be called by the Management Committee, or by a minimum of 20 registered 'Friends of the Nickey Line' to discuss any urgent matter.
- A minimum of 14 days notice shall be given of such a meeting together with details of the business to be discussed.
- Chair, Attendance and Voting to be as for an AGM.
9. Changes to the Constitution
- The Constitution shall not be altered except at a General Meeting (AGM or EGM) by a simple majority of registered 'Friends of the Nickey Line' present and voting.
Dave Abernethy
Want to Join Us?
Want to Help Us?
We are always looking for more active members to help on work parties or other activities.
Want to Make Things Happen?
We are want new Committee members from Redbourn and Hemel Hempstead in particular.
If you can contribute just a little of your time, contact us to find out more.
Or ring us on 07788 198283.
Volunteer Work Parties
Why not join on one our work parties to work on the Line?
Have some good healthy exercise and fun too.
Contact us today for more details.
Do You Have Ideas to Offer?
If you have ideas for improvements to the Nickey Line or to our activities, do contact us or email us.