A 3 mile (4.8 km) semi-rural walk in the environs of Hemel Hempstead, taking in the Nickey Line.


  1. From Gadebridge Lane car park (free), accessed from the Leighton Buzzard Rd, exit to the River Gade, and turn left alongside it
  2. Cross Gadebridge Lane, and continue with river on R to reach road
  3. Turn R up pavement to roundabout, and cross Piccotts End Lane
  4. Turn R and after 20 yds ascend steps, and continue up footpath to a T junction
  5. Turn L, shortly reaching kissing gate, and immediately beyond turn hard R uphill
  6. Continue, walking through woodland, emerging into a grassy area
  7. Continue walking in the same line of travel, keeping houses to your R
  8. Where the grassy area ends, look for well walked path on the left
  9. Continue walking in the same direction of travel as before, ignoring smaller paths to the left and right
  10. Where there are forks with a choice of two major paths, take the R hand one. One eventually emerges at a road, with a ‘children playing’ road sign. Cross over into Lonsdale, and continue up road until road ends
  11. Look for a paved path on the R, and keep walking in the same direction as before
  12. The path accesses Ribblesdale. Walk to the end, and turn R into Wensleydale
  13. At main road turn L for 50 yds, and cross by traffic island, and walk up Pennine Way for several hundred yards
  14. Turn R along tarmaced path with metal railings to the L, and the rugby club to your R
  15. Reach the Nickey Line by a Lost Rail interpretation board, and turn R
  16. Continue along the Nickey Line for about 1500 yds, reaching steps down to Keen’s Field
  17. Turn R, passing houses on your R, and continue in same direction to reach Adeyfield Rd
  18. Turn R, pass the Midland Inn, and take next R into East Street
  19. Where East St bears L, continue straight on into Fensomes Close
  20. Continue to meet main road, and turn L, passing fire station
  21. About 100 yds down, cross the road into High St
  22. Just after passing the ‘Ye Olde Town Hall’, turn L into church grounds, passing steepled church on the left
  23. One reaches a cross path, with bowling green opposite. Turn R and continue past children's playground on left, passing WCs on the R
  24. Turn L to river, cross white bridge, and enter car park.

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Enjoy your walk!

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