A 3 mile (4.8 km) semi-rural walk in the environs of Hemel Hempstead, taking in the Nickey Line.
- From Gadebridge Lane car park (free), accessed from the Leighton Buzzard Rd, exit to the River Gade, and turn left alongside it
- Cross Gadebridge Lane, and continue with river on R to reach road
- Turn R up pavement to roundabout, and cross Piccotts End Lane
- Turn R and after 20 yds ascend steps, and continue up footpath to a T junction
- Turn L, shortly reaching kissing gate, and immediately beyond turn hard R uphill
- Continue, walking through woodland, emerging into a grassy area
- Continue walking in the same line of travel, keeping houses to your R
- Where the grassy area ends, look for well walked path on the left
- Continue walking in the same direction of travel as before, ignoring smaller paths to the left and right
- Where there are forks with a choice of two major paths, take the R hand one. One eventually emerges at a road, with a ‘children playing’ road sign. Cross over into Lonsdale, and continue up road until road ends
- Look for a paved path on the R, and keep walking in the same direction as before
- The path accesses Ribblesdale. Walk to the end, and turn R into Wensleydale
- At main road turn L for 50 yds, and cross by traffic island, and walk up Pennine Way for several hundred yards
- Turn R along tarmaced path with metal railings to the L, and the rugby club to your R
- Reach the Nickey Line by a Lost Rail interpretation board, and turn R
- Continue along the Nickey Line for about 1500 yds, reaching steps down to Keen’s Field
- Turn R, passing houses on your R, and continue in same direction to reach Adeyfield Rd
- Turn R, pass the Midland Inn, and take next R into East Street
- Where East St bears L, continue straight on into Fensomes Close
- Continue to meet main road, and turn L, passing fire station
- About 100 yds down, cross the road into High St
- Just after passing the ‘Ye Olde Town Hall’, turn L into church grounds, passing steepled church on the left
- One reaches a cross path, with bowling green opposite. Turn R and continue past children's playground on left, passing WCs on the R
- Turn L to river, cross white bridge, and enter car park.
Enjoy your walk!
See other Nickey Line walks and cycle rides
Nickey Line Walk 1 - Rothamsted, Harpenden
A short 2.8 mile (4.5 km) walk near Harpenden exploring Rothamsted estate.
Nickey Line Walk 2 - Porridge Pot & Harpendenbury Farm
Shortest circuit 1.7 mile (2.7 km). Extension loops can add more than a mile.
Nickey Line Walk 3 - Around Redbourn
2 mile (3 km) walk around Redbourn
Nickey Line Walk 4 - Redbournbury Mill
Short Circuit under 3 miles / approx 4 Kms
Nickey Line Walk 5 - Beaumont Hall and Dane End Farm
3 mile (5 km) walk starting from Redbourn
Nickey Line Walk 6 - Highfield Hemel Hempstead
A 3 mile (4.8 km) semi-rural walk in the environs of Hemel Hempstead, taking in the Nickey Line