Shortest circuit 1.7 miles (2.7 km). Extension loops can add more than a mile (more than 1.6 km).
- Anti-clockwise direction preferred, otherwise partly blind at the crossing of the by-pass at B – extreme care required in any case. Take care also at the Redbourn roundabout crossing
- Relatively high stiles both sides of the road at B
- Use the pavement on the south side for the Harpenden Lane section
- Limited parking in both the Redbourn Lane and Redbourn High Street car parks
- Field paths can be muddy.
Enjoy your walk!
Nickey Line Walk 1 - Rothamsted, Harpenden
A short 2.8 mile (4.5 km) walk near Harpenden exploring Rothamsted estate.
Nickey Line Walk 2 - Porridge Pot & Harpendenbury Farm
Shortest circuit 1.7 mile (2.7 km). Extension loops can add more than a mile.
Nickey Line Walk 3 - Around Redbourn
2 mile (3 km) walk around Redbourn
Nickey Line Walk 4 - Redbournbury Mill
Short Circuit under 3 miles / approx 4 Kms
Nickey Line Walk 5 - Beaumont Hall and Dane End Farm
3 mile (5 km) walk starting from Redbourn
Nickey Line Walk 6 - Highfield Hemel Hempstead
A 3 mile (4.8 km) semi-rural walk in the environs of Hemel Hempstead, taking in the Nickey Line